Things to avoid when using Vitamin C

Things to avoid when using Vitamin C

Your skin must be glowing.


Because you’ve finally added in the famous Vitamin C to your skincare.


Whether that’s a Vitamin C cleanser, cream, or serum. You’ll simply fall in love with its anti-ageing properties, ability to reduce hyperpigmentation and under eye circles and promoting collagen production. As much as we could rave about all the benefits of this wonderful miracle worker, there are some big potential no-no ingredients to avoid when using.

Check out our Vital C skincare range

Firstly, Niacinamide and Vitamin C are both antioxidants and great for improving acne. This power couple of course have their differences but also have a lot of similarities which may lead to increased skin irritation.

Another favourite anti-aging ingredient is Retinol also known as Vitamin A. Both Vitamin C and Retinol are active ingredients and using both can cause irritation. However, if you want the best of both worlds, it’s better to use Vitamin C in morning and Retinol at night.

Check out our Vital C skincare range

Lastly is AHAs and BHAs which are more commonly known as glycolic, salicylic and lactic acids. Since both of these causes new cell turnover, these acids could essentially supercharge the Vitamin C causing harmful irritation to your skin.

The key takeaway is to always ease into any new skincare products and to know what ingredients are best to use in the morning VS your night routine.

If you’re still unsure on what skincare products to use or whether you’re just starting to create a routine.

Book in a FREE consultation where our trained aestheticians can do a skin analysis and advise you on the best skin care products and treatments for your skin.


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